Welcome to the 2nd i-CoME 2018

(The 2nd International Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship 2018)

Cultivating the Spirit of Sustainability, Innovation, & Governance for Businesses around the World
Royal Ambarukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta, 26th – 28th July 2018


The year 2018 is marked by many business scholars as the disruptive era, in which the future cannot be solely based on either the historical pattern or conventional wisdom. In other words, the historical performance can no longer serve as the guidance to make the future decision. The drastic increase in online business transactions and the shift in consumer spending are some examples to mark the disruptive era. Innovation and sustainability are becoming the driving engines for many corporations to strive in this more complex globalized market. As businesses are moving across national and cultural borders, good corporate governance is also playing an important role to guarantee the sustainability of the business.

With this current condition, The Business Management Program of Petra Christian University conducts the second international conference on management and entrepreneurship (2nd i-CoME) to address the issues on innovation, sustainability, and governance. This conference is made possible with the support of Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship), a nationally accredited scientific journal, and several other nationally and internationally accredited journals. The conference will present seven keynote speakers from six different countries; Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, France, Mexico, and Singapore.

This conference is also calling for research articles and papers from scholars, researchers, and students from all over the world. There are six sub-themes with various topics covering on management and entrepreneurship that are ready to explore and discuss. The conference will be a forum where fellow academics share experience, exchange knowledge, work hand-in-hand, utilize a new technology, and find managerial solutions for a better business world. The detailed information is available in the i-come 2018 website.

You can download the Proceedings 2018 from link below:


You can download the Proceedings 2017 from link below:
